
Blickfelder Festival

Blickfelder Festival presents international theatre and dance productions for a young audience and realises projects between local schools and cultural practitioners. Every other year, Blickfelder occupies a public space in the city of Zurich through a diverse cultural program and opportunities for participation. Recurring venues include Schauspielhaus Zürich, Tanzhaus Zürich, Theater Stadelhofen and GZ Buchegg. From 1992 until 2020 the department of School+Culture Zürich was responsible for the festival organization. Since then the association Festival für ein junges Publikum Zürich has taken over the lead in planning and executing the Blickfelder Festival. Since 2021 is Marcel Hörler, together with Andrea Kohler and Tanja Stauffer, in the direction of the festival.

The Happy Few, BRONKS, 2022. Photo: Clara Hermans

Screw it. I'm gonna start my own planet, Benjamin Egger, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, 2022. Photo: Raphael Stucky

Vier Viertel, Kollektiv HIATUS, 2022. Photo: Sava Hlavacek

The Girl with the Ugly Face, NIE Theatre, 2022. Photo: Sindre Strand Offerdal

Dimanche, Focus Cie & Compagnie Chaliwaté, 2022. Photo: Virginie Meigné

Biophilia, Diane Gemsch, 2022. Photo: Sava Hlavacek

There is no Family B, Kompanie Kopfstand, 2022. Photo: Sava Hlavacek

Les moutons, Corpus, 2022. Photo: Sava Hlavacek